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The Challenge

The conventional storage rental process often involves in-person visits, paper forms, and manual verifications. Storage companies lacked a user-friendly online platform to showcase their spaces and streamline the rental process, ultimately hindering their reach and conversion rates.

Our Solution

Mariposa, a revolutionary white-label platform, empowers storage companies with a fully online rental experience, encompassing streamlined browsing, booking, ID verification, document signing, and insurance options. Our core innovations include:

  • 100% Online Rentals: Mariposa pioneered fully online storage rental, eliminating the need for physical visits and paperwork. This enhanced convenience and accessibility for customers.

  • API Integrations: The platform integrates seamlessly with various property management systems, allowing companies to leverage their existing infrastructure and data for efficient space management.

  • High Customization: Mariposa offers extensive customization options, enabling companies to tailor the platform to their brand identity and specific needs.

Business Impact

The API-driven approach transforms online rental platforms, yielding profound business impact through seamless integration and operational streamlining, culminating in:

  • Profound Innovation: The pioneering API-driven approach and adaptability showcase the potential of online rental platforms to disrupt traditional business models across diverse industries.

  • Seamless Integration: The highly customizable nature, coupled with sophisticated APIs, allowed seamless integration with a wide array of property management systems.

The conventional

  • Operational Streamlining: The technical flexibility offered by Mariposa's solution empowered storage companies to optimize operations by leveraging their existing systems.

Reach Out To Us

Because great ideas and solutions are just a conversation away

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Our Major


Our core competency lies in developing customized solutions for web, mobile and desktop. We restrict ourselves to specific systems with general applicability; thus we have gained competence and are able to provide clear and cost effective solutions for a wide range of problems faced by customers. Some of the core technologies we specialize in include:

Postgre sql Django Wagtail AWS Android Vue Golang Docker Kubernetes Objective-c Swift Python
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